
Let’s Face It, Our Kids are Going to Grow Up!


I’m a father. And I have been amazed (as is often said) that my child has grown up so quickly. Although we know this, we need to often be thinking about preparing our kids for the “Real World.” One of the key components of this is education.

Distance Learning?

For those of us here in Manhattan, New York, as it is for the rest of the country, due to the pandemic and other things of a safety caution, we are faced with one of the most difficult choices for our kids. We need to decide the manner we want our kids to be learning in: in-person in classroom or distance learning?

Ask Your Kid

I literally just did the step that we as parents must do, which is in addition to having our own opinions about what form is best, we need to additional ask our children what their preference is.

Which Option?

Before revealing what my kid said as the preferred method of educational medium, I should mention that my child’s school is giving us two options for the upcoming school year. The first is mixed learning which means 5 days in classroom, followed by 5 days distant learning, and so on. The other option is to have just distance learning.

Choice is Theirs

As a parent I am not fully convinced that my child is going to be able to be completely safe from the virus or even from violence as I bring my child to school through a rough environment. But I put the final decision to be my kids’.

My Kid’s Decision

My child selected the hybrid of 5 days classroom, followed by 5 days distant learning. I pray everything is going to be okay. But I do trust the judgement of the school, so if things are not safe they will change their delivery method. I hopefully made the right choice to give my child the choice. Because, let’s face it, our kids are going to grow up!